List of Visualizations


Default key-word in context view.

kwic visualizer


Constituent syntax tree.

tree visualizer


The annotation names to be displayed in non terminal nodes can be set e.g. using node_key:cat for an annotation called cat (the default), and similarly the edge labels using edge_key:func for an edge label called func (the default). It is also possible to use a different annotation layer for the leaves of the tree instead of the default tokens by specifying terminal_name for the annotation name and terminal_ns for the namespace. Multiple instructions are separated using semicolons.


Annotation grid, with annotations spanning multiple tokens.

grid visualizer


It is possible to specify the order of annotation layers in each grid. Use annos: anno_name1, anno_name2, anno_name3 to specify the order or annotation layers. If annos: is used, additional annotation layers not present in the list will not be visualized. If mappings is left empty, layers will be ordered alphabetically. It is also possible to add annotations applying to the tokens to the visualization, rather than only span element annotations, by using tok_anno:true. Finally, you may hide the tokens that normally appear at the bottom of the grid using hide_tok:true.


A grid visualizing hierarchical tree annotations as ordered grid layers.

grid_tree visualizer

Note: all layers represent the same annotation name at different hierarchical depths, marked level: 0,1,2,... etc. on the left


Specify the name of the annotation to be visualized in the grid with node_key:name. Note that all grid levels visualize the same annotation name at different hierarchical depths.


Visualization for token-token alignments between parallel texts using SentStructure.js

sentstructurejs visualizer for parallel corpus alignment


Use alignment_label to specify the edge annotation name that should be displayed.


A view of the entire text of a document, possibly with interactive coreference links.

discourse visualizer

It is possible to use this visualization to view entire texts even if you do not have coreference annotations)


Dependency tree with labeled arches between tokens; requires SVG enabled browser.

arch_dependency visualizer


To use a different annotation layer (e.g. my_annotation) for the leaves of the tree instead of the default tokens, enter node_key:my_annotation.


A linked audio file.

audio visualizer


A linked video file.

video visualizer

pdf or pdfdoc

A linked pdf file, showing either a specific page aligned with an annotation or an entire pdf document respectively.

pdf visualizer


It is possible to configure the height of the pdf window using the height instruction (in pixels), as well as the name (node_key) of the node annotation to be used to give individual page numbers aligned with a span of tokens (relevant for pdf only, pdfdoc always shows all pages). The instructions can be combined as follows: node_key:pp;height:400

rst or rstdoc

A visualization for rhetorical structure theory annotations, of either just the search result with context or the entire document respectively.

rst visualizer


The names of rst edges can be configured with the setting edge. Additionally, some graphical parameters can be modified: siblingOffet defines the distance between sibling nodes; subTreeOffset defines the distance between node and parent node; nodeWidth defines the width of a node; labelSize defines the font size of a node label; edgeLabelColor specifies an HTML Color for the font color of an edge label; nodeLabelColor specifies an HTML Color for the font color of a node label.

html or htmldoc

A versatile annotation-triggered css-based visualization of either the immediate search result context or the entire document respectively; see the ANNIS HTML Visualization Guide for more details and some example stylesheets.

html visualizer


You must specify the name of the css stylesheet (.css) and configuration file (.config) for the visualization, which are place in the ExtData folder of the relANNIS corpus (see HTML Visualization Guide for details). To configure the stylesheet name, use the value config:filename, where filename is the common name of both the .config and the .css files, without the extension.