Upgrading an ANNIS Server installation

These instructions are a guideline for upgrading the installation of ANNIS on a UNIX-like server. If you use the ANNIS Kickstarter version just download the new version and re-initialize the database. Please read the installation instructions first if you haven't done so yet.

Automatic upgrade

Upgrading the ANNIS service is more complex than deploying the user interface WAR file. Therefore a Python script is available for an automatic upgrade. This script needs as least Python 3.2.

  1. Download the latest version of the script.
  2. Download the new ANNIS release files (annis-service-<VERSION>.tar.gz and annis-gui-<VERSION>.war)
  3. Run the script
    python3 upgrade_service.py --cleanup-data <installation-directory> annis-service-<VERSION>.tar.gz
    If the new release uses a new database schema the update might take some time. Thus it might be better to execute the script in the background:
    nohup python3 upgrade_service.py --cleanup-data <installation-directory> annis-service-<VERSION>.tar.gz &
    tail -f nohup.out
  4. If successful undeploy the old WAR file and deploy the new one.

In case the upgrade script needed to update the database (it will tell you so), you should delete the old schema from your PostgreSQL database by running the following command in your PostgreSQL-Client:

DROP SCHEMA <oldschema>;

Note: To learn more about the (additional) parameters of the script run:

python3 upgrade_service.py --help

Manual upgrade

When Python is not available it is still possible to execute the steps of the upgrade process manually. The upgrade path described here tries to have a minimum downtime.

Upgrade for minor version updates

For minor version updates, e.g. from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (thus only the last version number changes) you can use the database from the older version without any modifications. Thus an upgrade only consists of the following steps

  1. backup the old installation files
  2. download the files of the new version
  3. backup the conf/database.properties file of the ANNIS service
  4. if you made any manual adjustments to the file conf/annis-service.properties also backup it
  5. stop the old ANNIS service
  6. overwrite the files of the old ANNIS service installation with the new version
  7. overwrite the conf/database.properties file with the backup
  8. apply the changes you made to the conf/annis-service.properties on the new version (e.g. set the port number)
  9. start the ANNIS service again
  10. undeploy the old WAR file and deploy the new WAR file

Full upgrade

Whenever the first or second number of the version changes you have to re-import the corpora into a newly initialized database.

1. Download

Download both the annis-service-<VERSION>.tar.gz and the annis-gui-<VERSION>.war to a folder of your choice, e.g. /tmp/.

2. Install the new service

Unzip the annis service to a new directory (don't delete or stop the old service) and install it. These steps are similiar to how to [install a new ANNIS service](@ref admin-install-server). \code{.sh} tar xvzf /tmp/annis-service-.tar.gz -C export ANNIS_HOME=> export PATH=$PATH:$ANNIS_HOME/bin \endcode If you made any manual changes to the conf/annis-service.properties file copy the changes to the new installation. Then initialize the the database for the new installation. \code{.sh} annis-admin.sh init -u -d -p --schema \endcode Please re-use the old database name, the user name and the password for the existing user (they can be found in the conf/database.properties file of the old installation). The parameter --schema allows you to define a new PostgreSQL schema which will be used for the new installation. A good name could be something like "v32" if the version is 3.2.0.

3. Copy old corpora

With the command \code{.sh} annis-admin.sh copy /conf/database.properties \endcode the existing corpora of the old installation will be imported. This can take a long time, so if you use SSH you might want use nohup to make sure the process will continue to run in the background even if the connection is interrupted. \code{.sh} nohup annis-admin.sh copy /conf/database.properties & tail -f nohup.out \endcode At the end a summary of all successfull and failed imports will be given. If there where any errors please try to import the corpus manually. When all corpora are imported, proceed to the next step.

Additionally copy the "user_config" and "url_shortener" tables from the old installation, e.g. with the PostgreSQL COPY command

4. Switch service

Stop the old service and start the new service. Remember to set the ANNIS_HOME variable to the right value in both cases before you call annis-service.sh start/stop command.

5. Upgrade front-end

Undeploy the old WAR file and deploy the new WAR file.

6. Cleanup

If everything works as expected you can delete the old installation files. You should also remove the contents of the old database by deleting the schema from the PostgreSQL client:

DROP SCHEMA <oldschema>;

To delete all unused external data files execute

annis-admin.sh cleanup-data

\warning This will delete all data files not known to the current instance of ANNIS. If you have multiple parallel installations and did not use different values for the annis.external-data-path variable in the conf/annis-service.properties the data files of the other installations will be lost.