Salt  3.4.2
A powerful, tagset-independent and theory-neutral meta model and API for storing, manipulating, and representing nearly all types of linguistic data .
org.corpus_tools.salt.util.internal.persistence.SaltXML10Dictionary Interface Reference

Inherited by org.corpus_tools.salt.util.internal.persistence.SaltXML10Handler, and org.corpus_tools.salt.util.internal.persistence.SaltXML10Writer.

Static Public Attributes

static final String NS_SALTCORE = "saltCore"
 constant to address the xml-namespace prefix'saltCore'.
static final String NS_VALUE_SALTCORE = "saltCore"
 constant to address the xml-namespace 'saltCore'.
static final String NS_SALTCOMMON = "saltCommon"
 constant to address the xml-namespace prefix'saltCommon'.
static final String NS_VALUE_SALTCOMMON = "saltCommon"
 constant to address the xml-namespace 'saltCommon'.
static final String NS_SDOCUMENTSTRUCTURE = "sDocumentStructure"
 constant to address the xml-namespace prefix'sDocumentStructure'.
static final String NS_VALUE_SDOCUMENTSTRUCTURE = "sDocumentStructure"
 constant to address the xml-namespace 'sDocumentStructure'.
static final String NS_SCORPUSSTRUCTURE = "sCorpusStructure"
 constant to address the xml-namespace prefix'sCorpusStructure'.
static final String NS_VALUE_SCORPUSSTRUCTURE = "sCorpusStructure"
 constant to address the xml-namespace 'sCorpusStructure'.
static final String NS_XMI = "xmi"
 constant to address the xml-namespace prefix'xmi'.
static final String NS_VALUE_XMI = ""
 constant to address the xml-namespace ''.
static final String NS_XSI = "xsi"
 constant to address the xml-namespace prefix'xsi'.
static final String NS_VALUE_XSI = ""
 constant to address the xml-namespace ''.
static final String TAG_EDGES = "edges"
 constant to address the xml-element 'edges'.
static final String TAG_NODES = "nodes"
 constant to address the xml-element 'nodes'.
 constant to address the xml-element 'sDocumentStructure:SDocumentGraph'.
static final String TAG_LAYERS = "layers"
 constant to address the xml-element 'layers'.
static final String TAG_LABELS = "labels"
 constant to address the xml-element 'labels'.
static final String TAG_SDOCUMENT = "sDocument"
 constant to address the xml-element 'sDocument'.
static final String TAG_SALT_PROJECT = "SaltProject"
 constant to address the xml-element 'SaltProject'.
static final String ATT_EDGES = "edges"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'edges'.
static final String ATT_SOURCE = "source"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'source'.
static final String ATT_NODES = "nodes"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'nodes'.
static final String ATT_LAYERS = "layers"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'layers'.
static final String ATT_NAME = "name"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'name'.
static final String ATT_TARGET = "target"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'target'.
static final String ATT_VALUE = "value"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'value'.
static final String ATT_XSI_TYPE = "type"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'xsi:type'.
static final String ATT_HREF = "href"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'href'.
static final String ATT_NAMESPACE = "namespace"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'namespace'.
static final String ATT_XMI_VERSION = "version"
 constant to address the xml-attribute 'xmi:version'.
static final String ATT_TYPE = "xsi:type"
static final String ATT_VALUE_STRING = "valueString"
static final String TYPE_SFEATURE = "saltCore:SFeature"
static final String TYPE_SELEMENTID = "saltCore:SElementId"
static final String TYPE_SANNOTATION = "saltCore:SAnnotation"
static final String TYPE_SMETAANNOTATION = "saltCore:SMetaAnnotation"
static final String TYPE_SPROCESSINGANNOTATION = "saltCore:SProcessingAnnotation"
static final String TAG_SDOCUMENT_GRAPH = "sDocumentStructure:SDocumentGraph"
static final String TAG_SALT_PROJECT_FULL = "saltCommon:SaltProject"
static final String TAG_SCORPUS_GRAPH = "sCorpusGraphs"
static final String ATT_SNAME = "sName"
static final String TYPE_SCORPUS = "sCorpusStructure:SCorpus"
static final String TYPE_SDOCUMENT = "sCorpusStructure:SDocument"
static final String TYPE_SCORPUS_DOCUMENT_RELATION = "sCorpusStructure:SCorpusDocumentRelation"
static final String TYPE_SCORPUS_RELATION = "sCorpusStructure:SCorpusRelation"
static final String TYPE_STIMELINE = "sDocumentStructure:STimeline"
static final String TYPE_SAUDIODS = "sDocumentStructure:SAudioDS"
static final String TYPE_STEXTUALDS = "sDocumentStructure:STextualDS"
static final String TYPE_STOKEN = "sDocumentStructure:SToken"
static final String TYPE_SSPAN = "sDocumentStructure:SSpan"
static final String TYPE_SSTRUCTURE = "sDocumentStructure:SStructure"
static final String TYPE_STEXTUAL_RELATION = "sDocumentStructure:STextualRelation"
static final String TYPE_SAUDIO_RELATION = "sDocumentStructure:SAudioRelation"
static final String TYPE_STIMELINE_RELATION = "sDocumentStructure:STimelineRelation"
static final String TYPE_SSPANNING_RELATION = "sDocumentStructure:SSpanningRelation"
static final String TYPE_SORDER_RELATION = "sDocumentStructure:SOrderRelation"
static final String TYPE_SDOMINANCE_RELATION = "sDocumentStructure:SDominanceRelation"
static final String TYPE_SPOINTING_RELATION = "sDocumentStructure:SPointingRelation"
static final String TYPE_SPOS = "saltSemantics:SPOSAnnotation"
static final String TYPE_SLEMMA = "saltSemantics:SLemmaAnnotation"
static final String TYPE_SCAT = "saltSemantics:SCatAnnotation"
static final String TYPE_SSENTENCE = "saltSemantics:SentenceAnnotation"
static final String TYPE_SWORD = "saltSemantics:SWordAnnotation"
static final String TYPE_STYPE = "saltSemantics:STypeAnnotation"