Salt  3.4.2
A powerful, tagset-independent and theory-neutral meta model and API for storing, manipulating, and representing nearly all types of linguistic data .
org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph Interface Reference

In Salt it is possible to create a treelike corpus structure to create hierarchies between corpora. More...

Inherits org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SGraph.

Inherited by org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

Public Member Functions

SaltProject getSaltProject ()
 Returns the salt project, to which this corpus structure belongs to. More...
void setSaltProject (SaltProject saltProject)
 Sets the salt project, to which this corpus structure belongs to. More...
List< SDocumentgetDocuments ()
 Returns all documents objects contained in this corpus structure. More...
List< SCorpusgetCorpora ()
 Returns all corpora contained in this corpus structure. More...
List< SCorpusRelationgetCorpusRelations ()
 Returns all corpus-corpus relations contained in this corpus structure. More...
List< SCorpusDocumentRelationgetCorpusDocumentRelations ()
 Returns all corpus-document relations contained in this corpus structure. More...
SCorpus getCorpus (Identifier corpusId)
 Returns a corpus matching the passed identifier if such a corpus is contained in this corpus structure. More...
SDocument getDocument (Identifier documentId)
 Returns a document matching the passed identifier if such a document is contained in this document structure. More...
Identifier addSubCorpus (SCorpus superCorpus, SCorpus subCorpus)
 Adds the given sSubCorpus to the SCorpusGraph object and creates an SCorpusRelation between the given super corpus and the sub corpus, if and only if the super corpus is already added to this object. More...
Identifier addDocument (SCorpus corpus, SDocument document)
 Adds the given document to the SCorpusGraph object and creates an SCorpusDocumentRelation between the given corpus and the document, if and only if the corpus is already added to this object. More...
SCorpus getCorpus (SDocument document)
 Returns the SCorpus object, which contains the given SDocument object (means the SCorpus object and the given SDocument object must be connected via a SCorpusDocumentRelation object). More...
void load (URI corpusGraphUri)
 Loads the content of this object by reading the SaltXML file located by the given URI. More...
SCorpus createCorpus (SCorpus superCorpus, String corpusName)
 Creates a new SCorpus object having the name corpusName. More...
SDocument createDocument (SCorpus parentCorpus, String documentName)
 Creates a SDocument object having the name documentName and is added to the given parentCorpus via a SCorpusDocumentRelation. More...
List< SCorpuscreateCorpus (URI corpusPath)
 Creates all SCorpus objects contained in the passed corpusPath and returns a list of all SCorpus objects. More...
SDocument createDocument (URI documentPath)
 Creates all SCorpus objects contained in the passed corpusPath and assumes, that the last segment is a SDocument object. More...
String toTreeString ()
 Creates an ascii tree of the corpus structure and returns it. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SGraph
List< SNodegetRoots ()
 Returns all root nodes, if exist. More...
List< SNodegetLeafs ()
 Returns all leaf nodes, if exist. More...
List< SNodegetChildren (SNode parent, SALT_TYPE relationType)
 Returns a list of nodes in base document. More...
List< SNodegetSharedParent (List< SNode > children, SALT_TYPE nodeType)
 Returns a list of nodes that are the parents of every node in the given base list. More...
void traverse (List< SNode > startNodes, GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traverseType, String traverseId, GraphTraverseHandler traverseHandler)
 Traverses a graph in the given order traverseType and starts traversing with the given startNodes. More...
void traverse (List<? extends SNode > startNodes, GRAPH_TRAVERSE_TYPE traverseType, String traverseId, GraphTraverseHandler traverseHandler, boolean isCycleSafe)
 Traverses a graph in the given order traverseType and starts traversing with the given startNodes. More...
List< SNodegetNodesByName (String nodeName)
 Searches for a node or a set of nodes having the given node name. More...
List< SRelationgetRelationsByName (String relationName)
 Searches for a relation or a set of relations having the given relation name. More...
List< SLayergetLayerByName (String layerName)
 Searches for a layer or a set of layers having the given layer name. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from org.corpus_tools.salt.graph.Graph< N extends Node, R extends Relation< N, N, L extends Layer< N, R >
IndexMgr getIndexMgr ()
 Returns the index manager. More...
List< R > getRelations ()
 Returns a list of all relations contained in this graph. More...
getRelation (String relationId)
 Returns an relation corresponding to the passed id, if such an relation is contained in the graph. More...
List< R > getRelations (String sourceNodeId, String targetNodeId)
 Returns all relations,which connects the two passed nodes. More...
List< R > getInRelations (String nodeId)
 Returns all relations, which have the node corresponding to the passed id as their target node. More...
List< R > getOutRelations (String nodeId)
 Returns all relations, which have the node corresponding to the passed id as their source node. More...
void addRelation (Relation<? extends N, ? extends N > relation)
 Adds the passed relation to this graph and updates indexes. More...
void removeRelation (Relation<? extends N, ? extends N > relation)
 Removes the passed relation from this graph. More...
void removeRelations ()
 Removes all relations from this graph and cleans all indexes.
boolean containsRelation (String relationId)
 Returns whether this graph contains an Relation corresponding to the passed id. More...
List< N > getNodes ()
 Returns a list of all relations contained in this graph. More...
getNode (String nodeId)
 Returns a node corresponding to the passed id, if such a node is contained in the graph. More...
void addNode (N node)
 Adds the passed node to this graph and updates indexes. More...
void removeNode (N node)
 Removes the passed node from this graph and cleans all indexes. More...
boolean containsNode (String nodeId)
 Returns whether this graph contains a Node corresponding to the passed id. More...
getLayer (String layerId)
 Returns a layer corresponding to the passed id, if such a layer is contained in the graph. More...
Set< L > getLayers ()
 Returns a set of layers contained by this graph. More...
void addLayer (L layer)
 Adds the passed layer to this graph. More...
boolean containsLayer (String layerId)
 Returns whether this graph contains a Layer corresponding to the passed id. More...
void removeLayer (L layer)
 Removes the passed layer from this graph and cleans all indexes. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from org.corpus_tools.salt.graph.IdentifiableElement
String getId ()
 Returns the id of this object, which is the value of the contained Identifier object. More...
void setId (String id)
 Creates a new Identifier object and sets its value to the passed id. More...
Identifier getIdentifier ()
 Returns the Identifier label for this object. More...
void setIdentifier (Identifier identifier)
 Sets the Identifier label for this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from org.corpus_tools.salt.graph.LabelableElement
Collection< LabelgetLabels ()
 Returns all labels being contained by this object. More...
void addLabel (Label label)
 Adds the given Label object to the list of labels. More...
Label getLabel (String namespace, String name)
 Returns a label having the passed namespace and name, if such a label is contained by this object. More...
Label getLabel (String qName)
 Returns a label having the passed qualified name. More...
void removeLabel (String qName)
 Removes the label having the passed qName. More...
void removeLabel (String namespace, String name)
 Removes a Label object from the list of labels of this object. More...
void removeAll ()
 Removes all Label objects.
Set< LabelgetLabelsByNamespace (String namespace)
 Returns a set containing all Label objects having the given namespace. More...
boolean containsLabel (String qName)
 Checks if this object has a Label object in its list having the given qualified name. More...
Integer sizeLabels ()
 returns the number of Label objects contained by this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SAnnotationContainer
SAnnotation createAnnotation (String namespace, String name, Object value)
 Creates and returns an annotation having the passed namespace, name and value. More...
public< A extends SAnnotation > Set< A > createAnnotations (String annotationString)
 This method parses the given annotation String and adds an SAnnotation object for each annotation being contained in that string to the given SAnnotationContainer object. More...
public< A extends SAnnotation > Set< A > getAnnotations ()
 Returns all annotations contained by this object. More...
void addAnnotation (SAnnotation annotation)
 Adds the passed annotation to this container. More...
SAnnotation getAnnotation (String qName)
 Returns an annotation having the passed qualified name, if this container contains such an annotation. More...
SAnnotation getAnnotation (String namespace, String name)
 Returns an annotation having the passed qualified name, if this container contains such an annotation. More...
Iterator< SAnnotationiterator_SAnnotation ()
 Returns an iterator to iterate over the SAnnotation objects contained by this container. More...
SMetaAnnotation createMetaAnnotation (String namespace, String name, Object value)
 Creates and returns a meta annotation having the passed namespace, name and value. More...
public< A extends SMetaAnnotation > Set< A > createMetaAnnotations (String metaAnnotationString)
 This method parses the given meta annotation String and adds an SMetaAnnotation object for each meta annotation being contained in that string to the given SAnnotationContainer object. More...
public< A extends SMetaAnnotation > Set< A > getMetaAnnotations ()
 Returns all meta annotations contained by this object. More...
void addMetaAnnotation (SMetaAnnotation metaAnnotation)
 Adds the passed meta annotation to this container. More...
SMetaAnnotation getMetaAnnotation (String qName)
 Returns a meta annotation having the passed qualified name, if this container contains such a meta annotation. More...
Iterator< SMetaAnnotationiterator_SMetaAnnotation ()
 Returns an iterator to iterate over the SMetaAnnotation objects contained by this container. More...
SProcessingAnnotation createProcessingAnnotation (String namespace, String name, Object value)
 Creates and returns a processing-annotation having the passed namespace, name and value. More...
public< A extends SProcessingAnnotation > Set< A > createProcessingAnnotations (String annotationString)
 This method parses the given processing-annotation String and adds an SProcessingAnnotation object for each processing-annotation being contained in that string to the given SAnnotationContainer object. More...
public< A extends SProcessingAnnotation > Set< A > getProcessingAnnotations ()
 Returns all processing-annotations contained by this object. More...
void addProcessingAnnotation (SProcessingAnnotation processingAnnotation)
 Adds the passed processing-annotation to this container. More...
SProcessingAnnotation getProcessingAnnotation (String qName)
 Returns a processing-annotation having the passed qualified name, if this container contains such a processing-annotation. More...
Iterator< SProcessingAnnotationiterator_SProcessingAnnotation ()
 Returns an iterator to iterate over the SProcessingAnnotation objects contained by this container. More...
SFeature createFeature (String namespace, String name, Object value)
 Creates and returns an feature having the passed namespace, name and value. More...
public< A extends SFeature > Set< A > createFeatures (String featureString)
 This method parses the given feature String and adds an SFeature object for each feature being contained in that string to the given SAnnotationContainer object. More...
public< A extends SFeature > Set< A > getFeatures ()
 Returns all features contained by this object. More...
void addFeature (SFeature feature)
 Adds the passed feature to this container. More...
SFeature getFeature (String qName)
 Returns an feature having the passed qualified name, if this container contains such an feature. More...
SFeature getFeature (String namespace, String name)
 Returns an feature having the passed qualified name, if this container contains such an feature. More...
Iterator< SFeatureiterator_SFeature ()
 Returns an iterator to iterate over the SFeature objects contained by this container. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SNamedElement
String getName ()
 Returns the name of this element. More...
void setName (String name)
 Sets the name of the element. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from org.corpus_tools.salt.core.SPathElement
URI getPath ()
 Returns the id of this object as a URI path If no Id exists, null is returned. More...

Detailed Description

In Salt it is possible to create a treelike corpus structure to create hierarchies between corpora.

A hierarchie means that one corpus can contain other corpora. The contained corpora are called subcorpora for the containing corpus and the containing corpus is the super corpus of the contained ones. If a corpus does not have a super corpus it is called the root corpus, if a corpus does not have sub corpora it is called a leaf corpus.
In Salt such a treelike structure is represented by an object of type SCorpusGraph. A corpus is represented by an object of type SCorpus and can be added to a SCorpusGraph object. To create a hierarchical relation between to corpora we used the object SCorpusRelation to connect to objects of type SCorpus, where the super corpus is the source of that relation and the sub corpus is the target of that relation. A corpus can have an unbound number of sub corpora. To create such an relation in the SCorpusGraph, you first have to add the super corpus (for instance by calling SCorpusGraph#addSNode(SNode)) and second you can add the sub corpus by calling SCorpusGraph#addSSubCorpus(SCorpus, SCorpus). This will automatically create the relation between both corpora and returns a pointer to the relation. Another way to do this is to add both corpora by calling SCorpusGraph#addSSubCorpus(SCorpus, SCorpus), creating a relation of type SCorpusRelation, setting its source to the super corpus, setting its target to the sub corpus and adding the relation to the SCorpusGraph object by calling SCorpusGraph#addSRelation(SRelation) . But note, that first the second way contains more handwork and second it is recommended to use the first appoach, because the SElementId object belonging to the sub corpus can only represent the hierarchy, when the SCorpusGraph knows about it, when adding the sub corpus. The 'real' linguistic data containing primary data, tokens, structures, annotations and so on are contained in lets say a container-object called document. Such a document is represented by the type SDocument. A document always belongs to a corpus (if this corpus is a super or a sub corpus makes no difference). Parallel to a corpus, a document is a specialization of a node (in Salt of type SNode) as well. Such a containment between a corpus and a document is represented by the type SCorpusDocumentRelation, where the source of this relation is the corpus and the target of this relation is the document. To add such a SDocument object to the SCorpusGraph use the method SCorpusGraph#addDocument(SCorpus, SDocument). This method will automatically create the relation between them. Like with adding a sub corpus, here you can also do this by hand hand, but note that even here it is recommended using the method SCorpusGraph#addDocument(SCorpus, SDocument) because of the SElementId object belonging to the SDocument object. In Salt the 'real' linguistic data are also stored in a graph called document-graph which is represented by the type SDocumentGraph. An object of this type is contained in a SDocument object and can be set and get by calling SDocument#setDocumentGraph(SDocumentGraph) and SDocument#getDocumentGraph(). A closer documentation of a document graph, you can find in SDocumentGraph.


Member Function Documentation

◆ addDocument()

Identifier org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.addDocument ( SCorpus  corpus,
SDocument  document 

Adds the given document to the SCorpusGraph object and creates an SCorpusDocumentRelation between the given corpus and the document, if and only if the corpus is already added to this object.

Otherwise an exception will be thrown. The method returns the Identifier for the generated SCorpusDocumentRelation object.

corpuscorpus to which the document has to be added
documentdocument to add
the identifier for the generated SCorpusDocumentRelation object

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ addSubCorpus()

Identifier org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.addSubCorpus ( SCorpus  superCorpus,
SCorpus  subCorpus 

Adds the given sSubCorpus to the SCorpusGraph object and creates an SCorpusRelation between the given super corpus and the sub corpus, if and only if the super corpus is already added to this object.

Otherwise an exception will be thrown. The method returns the identifier for the generated SCorpusRelation object.

superCorpuscorpus which already has to be added
subCorpuscorpus to add
the identifier for the generated SCorpusRelation object. @model @generated

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ createCorpus() [1/2]

SCorpus org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.createCorpus ( SCorpus  superCorpus,
String  corpusName 

Creates a new SCorpus object having the name corpusName.

The new created SCorpus object is added as a sub corpus to the passed superCorpus. An SCorpusRelation is created to connect them. The new created SCorpus is returned. If superSCorpus does not exist, a root corpus is created.

superCorpusthe parent SCorpus object
corpusNamethe name of the SCorpus object to be new created
the new created SCorpus object

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ createCorpus() [2/2]

List<SCorpus> org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.createCorpus ( URI  corpusPath)

Creates all SCorpus objects contained in the passed corpusPath and returns a list of all SCorpus objects.

corpusPaththe URI path of corpora
all created SCorpus objects

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ createDocument() [1/2]

SDocument org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.createDocument ( SCorpus  parentCorpus,
String  documentName 

Creates a SDocument object having the name documentName and is added to the given parentCorpus via a SCorpusDocumentRelation.

parentCorpusthe parent SCorpus object
documentNamethe name of the SDocument object to be new created
the new created SDocument object

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ createDocument() [2/2]

SDocument org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.createDocument ( URI  documentPath)

Creates all SCorpus objects contained in the passed corpusPath and assumes, that the last segment is a SDocument object.

The created SDocument than is returned.

documentPaththe URI path of the document
the created document

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ getCorpora()

List<SCorpus> org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.getCorpora ( )

Returns all corpora contained in this corpus structure.

all contained corpora

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ getCorpus() [1/2]

SCorpus org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.getCorpus ( Identifier  corpusId)

Returns a corpus matching the passed identifier if such a corpus is contained in this corpus structure.

If no such corpus is contained, null is returned.

corpusIdidentifier corresponding to the corpus to be searched
corpus matching the identifier, null if no such corpus exists

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ getCorpus() [2/2]

SCorpus org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.getCorpus ( SDocument  document)

Returns the SCorpus object, which contains the given SDocument object (means the SCorpus object and the given SDocument object must be connected via a SCorpusDocumentRelation object).

documentthe SDocument object beyond the SCorpus object to be returned
the SCorpus object containing document

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ getCorpusDocumentRelations()

List<SCorpusDocumentRelation> org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.getCorpusDocumentRelations ( )

Returns all corpus-document relations contained in this corpus structure.

all contained corpus-document relations

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ getCorpusRelations()

List<SCorpusRelation> org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.getCorpusRelations ( )

Returns all corpus-corpus relations contained in this corpus structure.

all contained corpus-corpus relations

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ getDocument()

SDocument org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.getDocument ( Identifier  documentId)

Returns a document matching the passed identifier if such a document is contained in this document structure.

If no such document is contained, null is returned.

documentIdidentifier corresponding to the document to be searched
document matching the identifier, null if no such document exists

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ getDocuments()

List<SDocument> org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.getDocuments ( )

Returns all documents objects contained in this corpus structure.

all contained documents

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ getSaltProject()

SaltProject org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.getSaltProject ( )

Returns the salt project, to which this corpus structure belongs to.

salt project containing this corpus structure

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ load()

void org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.load ( URI  corpusGraphUri)

Loads the content of this object by reading the SaltXML file located by the given URI.

The SaltXML file can either contain a SaltProject, than the first SCorpusGraph object is loaded or just a SCorpusGraph object.

corpusGraphUriloaction of the SaltXML file

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ setSaltProject()

void org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.setSaltProject ( SaltProject  saltProject)

Sets the salt project, to which this corpus structure belongs to.

saltProjectsalt project containing this corpus structure

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.

◆ toTreeString()

String org.corpus_tools.salt.common.SCorpusGraph.toTreeString ( )

Creates an ascii tree of the corpus structure and returns it.

corpus structure as ascii tree

Implemented in org.corpus_tools.salt.common.impl.SCorpusGraphImpl.