
The executable takes a --config argument, which must point to a configuration file in the TOML format.

The following is an example file with most settings set to their default value.

port = 5711
host = "localhost"

graphannis = "data/"
sqlite = "service.sqlite"
disk_based = false
cache = {PercentOfFreeMemory = 25.0}

debug = false

secret = "not-a-random-secret"
type = "HS256"

[bind] section

This section describes to what port and host name the server should bind to.

[database] section

GraphANNIS needs to know where the data directory is located, which must be a path given by the value for the graphannis key and must point to a directory on the file system of the server. For configuration unique to the REST service, a small SQLite database is used, which path is given in the value for the sqlite key. A new database file will be created at this path when the service is started and the file does not exist yet. Also, you can decide if you want to prefer disk-based storage of annotations by setting the value for the disk_based key to true.

You can configure how much memory is used by the service for caching loaded corpora with the cache key. There are two types of strategies:

  • PercentOfFreeMemory estimates the free space of memory for the system during startup and only uses the given value (as percent) of the available free space.
  • FixedMaxMemory will use at most the given value in Megabytes.

For example, setting the configuration value to

cache = {PercentOfFreeMemory = 80.0}

will use 80% of the available free memory and

cache = {FixedMaxMemory = 8000}

at most 8 GB of RAM.

[logging] section

Per default, graphANNIS will only output information, warning and error messages. To also enable debug output, set the value for the debug field to true.

[auth] section

This section configures the authentication and authorization of the REST service.