Importing Corpora in the relANNIS format

Corpora in the relANNIS format can be imported into the ANNIS database. For information on converting corpora from other formats into relANNIS, see the Pepper documentation.

Importing a relANNIS corpus using the administration interface

When you are logged in as an administrator (automatically in desktop version), you can change to the administration interface and use the “Import Corpus“ tab. On a server installation, importing a corpus will not interrupt querying other corpora that are already imported.

Importing a corpus using the command line

Per default, the embedded graphANNIS backend will store its corpus data in the ~/.annis/v4/ folder. You can download the latest released graphANNIS command line interface for your system (named annis, annis.exe or annis.osx) from the release page of graphANNIS:

The CLI can't access the corpus data folder while the ANNIS service is running. Therefore, stop the running ANNIS service (e.g. with systemctl stop annis on a server or just closing the ANNIS desktop program) and start the graphANNIS CLI with the corpus data folder.

annis ~/.annis/v4/

For a list of all available commands see the graphANNIS documentation. To import a corpus, just execute the import command followed by a path to the corpus to import, e.g.:

import /home/thomas/korpora/pcc2/

The import command allows importing GraphML files and ZIP files containing more than one corpus.