ANNIS import format version 3.3

The ANNIS import format is inspired by the Salt meta-data model an ANNIS uses Salt internally to represent a matched graph from the database. However there are some restrictions which ANNIS has but Salt doesn't.

  • node names must be unique per document
  • document names must be unique per top-level corpus
  • a ANNIS corpus contains only one top-level corpus
  • there are no meta-data for nodes
  • string identifiers such as annotation or layer names have a limited number of allowed characters and should match the regular expression \verbatim [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* \endverbatim in order to be searchable with AQL

An ANNIS corpus can be either a zip file or a directory which includes the following files


First line is exactly "3.3", the next lines can contain human readable text.

Pure UTF-8 encoded text file


Contains structural information about the corpus and its documents.

*TAB-separated file as described in "Text Format" section of the PostgreSQL documentation

column type unique not NULL description
id integer X X primary key
name text X X unique name (per corpus)
version text version number (currently not used)
pre integer X pre order of the corpus tree
post integer X post order of the corpus tree
top_level boolean X true for the toplevel corpus


Contains meta-data on the corpus and the documents.

TAB-separated file as described in "Text Format" section of the PostgreSQL documentation

column type unique not NULL description
corpus_ref integer X foreign key to
namespace text
name text
value text


Describes all texts that are included in the corpus.

TAB-separated file as described in "Text Format" section of the PostgreSQL documentation

column type unique not NULL description
corpus_ref integer X foreign key to The corpus id should be the id of the document in the corpus table
id integer X restart from 0 for every corpus_ref
name text name of the text
text text content of the text

primary key: corpus_ref, id


Every node in the corpus will have exactly one entry in this table.

TAB-separated file as described in "Text Format" section of the PostgreSQL documentation

column type unique not NULL description
id bigint X X primary key
text_ref integer X foreign key to
corpus_ref integer X foreign key to
layer text
name text A human readable identfier of the node. Must be unique for each document.
left integer X position of first covered character
right integer X position of the character after the last covered character
token_index integer index of this token (if it is a token, otherwise NULL)
left_token integer X index of first covered token, for token, this value is the token_index
right_token integer X index of last covered token, for token, this value is the token_index
seg_index integer index of this segment (if it is a segment, i.e. there is some SOrderingRelation connected to this node)
seg_name text name of the segment path this segment belongs to
span text for tokens or node with a segmentation index: substring of the covered original text
root boolean X True if this node has no parents in all components


Lists the components (connected sub-graphs) of the graph.

TAB-separated file as described in "Text Format" section of the PostgreSQL documentation

column type unique not NULL description
id bigint X X primary key
type char(1) edge type: c, d, p
layer text X Could be set to e.g. "default_layer" if not in any Salt layer
name text The sType of the component, e.g anaphoric for a some kind of pointing relation component


A rank entry describes one of the positions of a node in a component tree. There is one rank entry for each edge. Furthermore, every component has a virtual relation and thus an additional rank entry where the parent attribute is NULL and the level is 0.

TAB-separated file as described in "Text Format" section of the PostgreSQL documentation

column type unique not NULL description
id bigint X X primary key
pre integer X the preorder of the target node. the root of the component tree should always have a pre-order of 0
post integer X the post-order or the target node
node_ref bigint X the of the target node
component_ref bigint X
parent bigint id of the parent rank entry
level integer level of this rank entry (not node!) in the component tree

Rank entries with the type 'c' (coverage spans) must be ommitted, if the referenced node is a token and if the parent coverage span is continuous. Continuous means the range of covered token has no gaps, thus it includes all token between the first and the last covered token. The idea behind this is, that you can recover the needed information using the "left_token" and "right_token" from the span together with the "token_index" (all in the node.annis table) if the span is continuous.


Contains all annotations per node.

TAB-separated file as described in "Text Format" section of the PostgreSQL documentation

column type unique not NULL description
node_ref bigint X foreign key to
namespace text
name text X
value text

unique(node_ref, namespace, name)


Contains all annotations per edge (which is represented by a rank entry)

TAB-separated file as described in "Text Format" section of the PostgreSQL documentation

column type unique not NULL description
rank_ref bigint X foreign key to
namespace text
name text X
value text


Describes which visualizers to trigger depending of the namespace of a node or edge occuring in the search results.

TAB-separated file as described in "Text Format" section of the PostgreSQL documentation

column type unique not NULL description
corpus text the name of the supercorpus
version text the version of the corpus
namespace text the several layers of the corpus
element text the type of the entry: "node" or "edge"
vis_type text X the abstract type of visualization: "tree", "discourse", "grid", ...
display_name text X the name of the layer which shall be shown for display
visibility text either "permanent", "visible", "hidden", "removed" or "preloaded", default is "hidden"
order bigint the order of the layers, in which they shall be shown
mappings text

ExtData folder

Contains the media files that are connected with this corpus including their binary content.

Each file directly inside the ExtData folder belongs to the toplevel corpus. A sub-folder corresponds to a document and each file inside a sub-folder belongs to the document with the same name.