Pepper  3.6.0
A highly extensible plattform for conversion and manipulationoflinguisticdata.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NcliCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 NexceptionsCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 CConvertWizardConsoleThis class represents a console to realize a kind of an interactive wizard to guide the user through the workflow configuration
 COSGiConsoleThis class represents a simple console for accessing the underlying OSGi environment of a PepperOSGiConnector
 CPepperStarterThe main class to start Pepper from the Console
 CPepperStarterConfigurationThis class represents all properties to customize Pepper
 CXMLTagExtractorThis class is a helper class for developing PepperModules
 NcommonCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 CCorpusDescThis class realizes a description of a corpus to be imported or exported
 CDOCUMENT_STATUSThis Enumeration shows the status of a more or less currently processed document
 CFormatDescThis class is used by Pepper to describe a linguistic data format
 CJOB_STATUSStatus of a job in Pepper, the status could be one of the following:
 CMEMORY_POLICYDescribes the main memory policy of PepperJobs
 CMODULE_TYPENames of types of org.corpus_tools.pepper.modules.PepperModule:
 CModuleFitnessAn object determining the fitness of a single Pepper module
 CPepperConfigurationThis class contains all possible configurations, to take influence on the Pepper process
 CPepperModuleDescThis class is a kind of a fingerprint of a Pepper module and provides some information about a module
 CStepDescThis class represents a description of a single step in Pepper
 NconnectorsCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 NimplCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 NcoreCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 CDocumentBusThis object is an implementation of a threadsafe queue to store DocumentController objects
 CDocumentControllerImplStores the global status of a SDocument
 CInitialDocumentBusTODO make docu
 CModuleControllerImplAn object of this types contains a PepperModule and handles as a connector between such an object and the Pepper framework
 CModuleFitnessCheckerA helper class for checking health and fitness of a module or a set of modules
 CModuleResolverImplThe ModuleResolverImpl realizes a bridge between the Pepper framework and the OSGi environment
 CPepperJobImplThis class represents a single, but entire conversion process in Pepper, containing the entire workflow like import, manipulation and export
 CPepperOSGiRunnerOnly starts pepper-osgi-runner, if {@value #PROP_TEST_DISABLED} is not set or is set to false
 CPepperParamsReaderThis class reads the 'old' pepperParams file and fills a PepperJob with the content of the file
 CSelfTestDescThis class is a container for a module selftest
 CStepThis class is an extension of the class StepDesc and is for internal use only
 CTerminalDocumentBusTODO make docu
 CWorkflowDescriptionReaderThis class reads the 'new' workflow description file version 1.0 and fills the passed PepperJob object with the content of the read file
 NexceptionsCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 CAbstractPepperModuleExceptionThis PepperException is thrown by org.corpus_tools.pepper.modules.PepperModules or PepperMapper objects
 CJobNotFoundExceptionThis exception class is used, in case of a org.corpus_tools.pepper.modules.PepperMapper object was not correctly initialized
 CNotInitializedExceptionThis exception class is used, in case of a org.corpus_tools.pepper.modules.PepperMapper object was not correctly initialized
 CPepperConfigurationExceptionIs thrown, when any exception occurs concerning the configuration of Pepper
 CPepperExceptionThis class is highest exception
 CPepperFWExceptionThis PepperException is thrown if an internal error occurs
 CPepperInActionExceptionThis PepperException is thrown if a calling method tries to start a new process or an action or tries to get access to a resource, but it currently is in action and therefore can not be accessed
 CPepperOSGiRunnerExceptionThis exception is only to use for unit tests
 CPepperTestExceptionThis PepperException is thrown if an internal error occurs
 CWorkflowExceptionThis PepperException is thrown if an internal error occurs
 NimplCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 CPepperMapperControllerImplThe class PepperMapperControllerImpl is a communicator class between a PepperModule and a PepperMapper object
 CPepperMapperImplAn abstract implementation of PepperMapper to be used for further derivations for specific mapping purposes
 CPepperModuleImplTODO make docu
 NmodulesCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 NcoreModulesCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 NexceptionsCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 CMappingSubjectA subject is a container for SDocument or SCorpus object to be merged
 CModuleControllerAn object of this types contains a PepperModule and handles as a connector between such an object and the Pepper framework
 CPepperMapperThis interface can be used in a threaded environment, where the PepperModule is used for delegating thread jobs, and a set of PepperMappers are mapping one SDocument or SCorpus object
 CPepperMapperControllerThe interface PepperMapperController is a communicator class between a PepperModule and a PepperMapper object
 CPepperModuleTODO make some docu
 CPepperModulePropertiesThis class is a container for a set of PepperModuleProperty objects
 CPepperModulePropertyWith properties, the conversion process done by a Pepper module can be customized
 NtestFrameworkCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 NhelpersCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 CPepperTestUtilThis class offers some static fields and methods for testing PepperModule objects
 NutilCopyright 2009 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, INRIA
 CXMLStreamWriterThis class is just a delegator class for a XMLStreamWriter with a pretty printing possibility